Seasonal Supplements

Seasonal Supplements

Jul 02, 2024John O'Leary

If you haven’t had a cold or cough recently then you are doing well!

It feels like everyone you speak to is coughing and spluttering, or has been ill, or is living with someone who is ill. In fact, the phrase “I can’t seem to shift this cold” is becoming more and more common at the moment!

So why is this happening? Are there new tougher strains of cold and flu viruses circulating?

Are we becoming less able to cope with colds and flu?

One train of thought is that during the time we were restricting our movements because of Covid, we didn’t mix as we usually would. So we were not coming into contact with the various viruses we would usually come into contact with. Therefore our immune system doesn’t have as much to work with, so doesn’t build up the same type of natural immunity as it would have when we were mixing normally.

Now we have gone through the build up to the festive season and had a few social gatherings with friends and families, our circles have very definitely overlapped and mixed.

So it seems that when we catch one virus which hits us with the usual symptoms, then not far behind is another just arriving while our immune system is only just trying to get back on its feet after dealing with the previous. So what happens is like a domino effect, and this is what is making us feel like we are not recovering.

The simple answer is that we are recovering, but then another virus hits straight after. Unfortunately, there are lots of them circulating at this time of year in particular. So our immune system is being bombarded.

It is quite well known what type of supplements are important for immune support, especially this time of year, the golden couple of Vitamin C and Zinc are very popular. They really should be supported by Probiotics and Vitamin D to provide even more defences for your immune system.

So, what should we be looking at taking the rest of the year, are there certain supplements which work better at certain times of the year?

Supplements are not hugely seasonal, for example our Four Essentials is a fantastic product to take all year round providing an excellent base. But there are a few extras which lend themselves to certain times of the year.



Late Autumn, then the build up to Christmas is a lovely time of year, but it is also the time of year where the heating gets turned on at home, and the germs start spreading. The clocks have changed and it is a much darker time of year.

Our key supplements for this time of year are:

Vitamin C - Help ward off colds.

Vitamin D - Support against illness and essential in the darker months with less sunshine.

Probiotics - Help keep your gut healthy in readiness for those Christmas dinners!

Echinacea - A firm favourite heading into flu season.

Fish Oils - Helps to keep your circulatory system flowing and joints moving.

Our Urgent C sachets are brilliant for this time of year. Not only do they help against colds and Flu, but they are also useful for the ‘morning after the party’!


Its still cold however we are moving from winter towards spring. Dont be fooled however, the evenings are still dark and supporting your immune system, is still paramount! Our children are in the thick of school terms, and there are lots of bugs flying around.

Our supplements for this time of year are:

Multivitamin and Mineral - The perfect time to cover your nutritional needs and stick at it. We have capsules for the adults and gummies for the children.

Fit For School - chewable probiotic and Vitamin C for children used in one of our trials.

Probiotics - Help keep your gut healthy and balanced well into the new year!

Vitamin D - Support against illness and essential in the darker months with less sunshine.



Very firmly going from spring into summer here, with lighter evenings and hopefully some warm and sunny days. Generally we are more active during these months and we have more energy and feel like being out and about a lot more.

Multivitamin and Mineral - The perfect time to cover your nutritional needs and keep the energy levels tip top!

Probiotics - Help keep your gut healthy and balanced, and a few extra if you plan on travelling to protect against upset tummies.

Glucosamine - Great to keep mobile and to combat any aches and pains as we are more active during these months.

Fish Oils - Keeping your joints lubricated and supple, Fish oil is also natures anti-inflammatory.

CoQ10 - Just incase you need a little extra energy at this time of year!



Moving from summer into Autumn is a beautiful time of year with amazing colours. Although we still have some lovely sunshine at this time of year, the heat of the sun is much less and the evenings are becoming chillier.

Multivitamin and Mineral - The perfect time to cover your nutritional needs.

Probiotics - Help keep your gut healthy and balanced, and a few extra if you plan on travelling.

Vitamin C - Great idea to start this towards the end of this period along with Vitamin D as we head back into autumn and Winter.

Glucosamine - Keep yourself going with this to help with any aches and pains as the weather cools down.

Fish Oils - Keeping your joints lubricated and supple, Fish oil is also natures anti-inflammatory.

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